Sunday, April 30, 2023

how to create number sequence in d365fo

 Hi All, 

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Today we are going to learn how to create number sequence. But before we start let's understand about number sequence framework. Microsoft Dynamics AX has a number sequence framework to generate alphanumeric number sequences that are used to identify transaction documents such as purchase orders, Sales Orders. This topic describes how to implement the number sequence framework for a new module in Microsoft Dynamics AX. In this topic will learn how to create new number sequence reference in Accounts Payable module and will use newly created number sequence in our custom form.

Steps to follow one new number using number sequence:

     1.   Create new string type EDT.

 Name it like: TutBikeId or according to your requirement.

Set label and size properties.

2.    Create new class to set Number sequence data type.

Name it like: ModulenameBikeIdNumSeq , My muodulename is Test so I am using Test as prefix for all the objects.

Internal final class TestBikeIdNumSeq extends NumberSeqApplicationModule



    static void buildModulesMapSubsciber(Map numberSeqModuleNamesMap)

NumberSeqGlobal::addModuleToMap(classnum(TestBikeIdNumSeq), numberSeqModuleNamesMap);


 // this is depend on the which module you want to generate the number sequence.

    public NumberSeqModule numberSeqModule()


        return NumberSeqModule::Cust;


     protected void loadModule()


        NumberSeqDatatype datatype = NumberSeqDatatype::construct();


        datatype.parmReferenceHelp(literalStr("Unique key used for the Bike iD."));







        datatype.addParameterType(NumberSeqParameterType::DataArea, true, false);





3.    Create new runnable class to load the number sequence.

internal final class TestBikeIdLoadNumSeq


    public static void main(Args _args)


        TestBikeIdNumSeq TestBikeIdNumSeq = new TestBikeIdNumSeq ();




4.    Build and synchronize your project and run the above runnable class using below URL.

F&O url/?cmp=dat&mi=sysclassrunner&cls=TestBikeIdLoadNumSeq 

5.    After running the job, go the parameters form you added the number sequence reference to, then, go to the 'Number sequence' tab and verify that a new row is shown.

In my example, I see the new number sequence reference show on the ‘Accounts receivable parameters’ form.

6.  Next go to Organization administration>Number sequences>Number sequences. Then click the 'Generate' button to run the wizard.

Click Next

Finally, review the 'Completed' page, and click 'Finish'.

Remember the number sequence code generated or find using below filters.

7.    Setup new number code on to AR parameter > number sequence > bike id 

8.    Create new string type field on your custom table.

Set extended type property to above created EDT. Ex- TutBikeId

9.    Override the create method of your form data source and add below code.

public void create(boolean _append = false)

            TestBikeId testBikeId;

            NumberSequenceReference numberSequenceReference; 



numberSequenceReference= NumberSeqReference::findReference(extendedTypeNum(TestBikeId));

            if (numberSequenceReference)
                testBikeId = NumberSeq::newGetNum(numberSequenceReference).num();
                TestTutorialBikeTable.BikeId = testBikeId;



10. Build and synch your project.

11. Create new record on the form and check.

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